Chicago Zoological Park Diet
1 tsp. each apple, carrot, sweet potato, banana, leaf lettuce
½ hard boiled egg yolk
1 T. Nebraska Feline diet (or Zupreem or Mazuri)
1 dozen Meal Worms
Leadbeater's mix
450 ml water
450 ml honey
3 shelled hard boiled eggs
75 grams high protein baby cereal
3 tsp. vitamin supplement (Vionate)
Preventive Heath Care Program
Client education is the most important key to maintaining a healthy sugar glider. It is
essential for proper execution of all other components. Combinations of written, spoken
and visual aids are necessary for adequate retention or information. Information about
housing, nutrition, sanitation, behavior, and health care should be given to each client.
With sugar gliders, some this information will need to be updated with each visit as we
learn more about this species.
Nutrition is key to keeping any animal healthy and with exotic animal, where formulated
diets are not available; the task is much more difficult. Common sense is important. A
diet that would be balanced for more familiar species will not be for sugar gliders.
Parasite control should not be overlooked. Fecal samples should be checked once or
twice annually and any parasites treated.
Early detection and treatment of disease is critical. Small “prey” species try to hide any
signs of illness or weakness as a mechanism to prevent predation. In captivity, this trait
leads to presentation late in the course of the disease. A sugar glider that looks sick is
often very sick. A “wait and see what happens” approach is very dangerous in exotic
animals. Rapid diagnosis and treatment is essential.
飼主本身要有正確的飼養知識 還要不斷更新喔~
因為蜜袋鼯(小型掠食性物種 在野外它們是會吃乳鼠之類)
常常有較輕微的疾病或是身體虛弱,但會裝沒事 是因為怕被掠食
還有他有一句話 A sugar glider that looks sick is often very sick.
跟wait and see what happens
為啥很有趣,看得懂的就很有趣 看不懂的就青菜啦!
麥問我~~ 就當作是我自己寫給自己看得